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Be Beautiful Now Offering Complimentary Make Up Lessons for those going through Cancer Treatments


At Be Beautiful, Rachel, Lisa, Pamela, Prudence & I would love to be able to give back.

Each working day, we spend our time making others feel great and that is one of the main reasons we love our job however we want to do more.

After speaking with Action Cancer, we are delighted to now be able to offer COMPLIMENTARY MAKE UP LESSONS to those suffering with Cancer or undertaking Cancer treatment.

We are aware that through this horrific illness and associated treatments, your skin can change, whether it be through hair loss or change of texture and we would love to be able to help you feel a little better by showing you how to adapt your make up routine.

We know this is a very small gesture in the grand scheme of things but if we can brighten up one persons day, we will have achieved something.

If you, or someone you know would like to take us up on this new, complimentary service, you can book in the usual way via our website here, by sending us a message on Instagram or Facebook, or by giving us a call on 02838 810106.



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