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A Day in the Life of our Salon Owner Jenna


Have you ever wondered what a typical day looks like for us in Be Beautiful? What do we do besides treatments? Well, we thought we would like you in on the secret.

This week, it's our owner Jenna's turn.

Each morning I wake around 6am. Our kids are all early risers and have woken between 5.30-6am since they were born - I have forgotten what a lie in looks like! I jump in the shower and try to get ready before getting our three little ones (Annie, Isabella & Freddie ready). Mornings are always crazy in our house with three under 5.

Then it's downstairs and breakfast time before getting Annie off to school. My husband also has a Plumbing & Heating company and the team normally arrive around 8am so we try to be ready for them arriving.

After I get Annie to school it is off to work for me. I try to work from home two days a week and in the salon two days a week. Each day is completely different. I could be placing produce orders, finding new retail products, organising training for the team, finding new treatments, writing pieces for our marketing on social media & magazines or meeting with building contractors for the refurbishment we are having this year.

Lunch is normally around 1pm and I really try to be good, although it always involves an energy drink. With a 4 month old in the house, sleep isn't great.

I try to finish up work at 4pm to let me have time with our children and my husband between 4-7pm. We work really long hours so I always try to set this time aside with them as I don't want to look back on their childhood and feel like I worked through it all.

After I get the little ones bathed and into bed around 7pm. It's time for a walk (I try to walk 5k a day), the gym and then I open up the laptop and start work again around 9pm. Ona good night I can shut it around midnight and get some sleep before the kids are back up at 6am!



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